Thursday, November 12, 2009

Final Date - January 28th, 2010 - 77 days to go!

Ok, so the date is set, buying the airline tickets tomorrow!  January 28th is the date, flying in the 27th and back home on the 8th of February.  My mom is going with me for the entire time, and Corrie says she's going to try to come for a few days towards the end...maybe that last weekend!

I also spoke with my doctor on Monday, he has no issue with me getting the surgeries (even used the word justified) and would support me in doing the physical/bloodwork and the after-care.  He did say though if there was some type of infection he would have to send me to a wound care center...but that is to be expected.  When I left he said "next time I see you it will be in preparation for Mexico!"  Love that doctor, he is great!

Oh lord, 77 days go to!!  Good thing Gregory, Tim and I are going on a cruise on Dec 26th...I will need the preparation stress-relief!  I am not scared of the surgery, not at all, I will be asleep and all will be fine...but I am afraid of the intense pain I will be in for the few days following...but I know that too shall pass!

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